Christmas Lunch 2023
Enjoy a festive Christmas Lunch with us at Ti a Fi Café.
Available 28th November to 21st December on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with two sittings each day: 12:15pm and 1:15pm. Our two course menu is £13.95 per person with three courses at £16.95 per person. You can bring your own wine too!
The Christmas Lunch is only available to customers by reservation. A £5 deposit is required for each person when booking. Enquiries and bookings in person or by e-mail at
Two course £13.95 Three course £16.95
Select two or three items from starters, mains and desserts depending on your booking.
Tomato soup & roll
Melon with Fruit coulis
Roast turkey with cranberry sauce
Roast pork with apple sauce
Vegetarian Wellington
All above served with pigs in blankets, stuffing and gravy
Roast & mashed potatoes
Glazed carrots
Garden peas
Brussel sprouts
Red cabbage with apple
Christmas pudding and brandy sauce
Black forest trifle
Mince pie & coffee